Part One: Setting Up a CASH Tug in Tugger and Installing the Tugger Service

This process presumes:

  • You have registered for Tugger and have signed in. (Sign Up Here).
  • You have admin access to the Server where CASH is installed - or at least where the database is installed: ideally the CASH server, as this may help avoid issues.

Power BI Desktop will be required later, as will access to Power BI Service, which can be added to Microsoft's 365 account.

If you require us to assist with the installation, then TeamViewer will be required; once the installation is done, passwords can be changed, or the application uninstalled for security purposes.

Please note that a licence is required to use TeamViewer commercially, although a request for a 14 day free trial was available at the time this document was created.

Microsoft .Net 4.8 (or 4.8.1) is required for the Cash Tugger app to work. However, a server restart 

may be required, which can delay the installation process as restarting during the day is likely to be inconvenient, if not impossible; your particular circumstances will dictate the required actions around this.

Your server may have .Net 4.8 or .Net 4.8.1 already installed. One or other of them form part of some server's installed features.

The following document assists with checking what is installed, although we highly recommend this is discussed with your IT department or provider.

Please contact support if you are unsure what your should install: [email protected], although again, we highly recommend this is discussed with your IT department of provider.

Note: We recommend installing this in advance of the Tugger App as a Service. .Net 4.8 is displayed below, 4.8.1 is shown in the document linked above, and again here for convenience.

An offline version of the 4.8 .Net installation is available, which may be more convenient, available here. .Net 4.8.1 is available here.

Set up your CASH Tugger

After logging into Tugger, you should be presented with a screen similar to the one below. Select the CASH option, 'Add This Tugger'.

After a few moments, you should  be presented with the following screen.

Give the Tug a 'Name that makes sense to you' (1 in the image).

Then how often data should be synced (2 in the image).

If you wish to track the Sales Enquiry History, then check this box (3 in image); it should be noted, however, that we do not use this in our reports, so do NOT check it unless you want to add this feature yourself.

Once you're happy with your entries, 'Authorise Access to CASH ', which should then re-direct you to My Connectors, displaying all the Tug Connectors you have on your account - be it one, or in the case here, 10, which is the maxi.

Select the CASH Connector you just created ('View Details' should be displayed).

The Connector opens at the Summary tab, which displays the results and progress of the Tug.

Select Application Setup (1 in the image above).

The Applicate Setup tab contains the Authentication Details (AccessID 1 in the image and Access Key 2 in the image), which is required during the installation of the Tugger App as a Service (Use the handy copy tool when ready.).

You will also need to download the Tugger CASH Application (3 in the image).

If you were to go to downloads via your browser (1 & 2 in the image below), you would see something similar; depending on your browser, the file would appear once done (Firefox in our example); Chrome usually displays the file at the bottom of your display, or navigate to your Downloads folder.

... Click on 3 for more info. 

To install CASH Tugger, you need to click 'Run anyway'.

Install the 'Tugger as a Service App for CASH'.

The Tugger App installs in a similar manner to any other Windows Application - with an additional screen for entering the appropriate details into. You may also be presented with something similar to the two screens shown immediately prior to this.

In the example below, using a Virtual Machine with Windows Server installed, the details required to setup are shown, as well as the Services section of the Task Manager

  1. The version of Tugger as a Service to Install (your version may vary).
  2. The details required, including some copied from the Report Credentials page of Tugger.
  3. Clicking the Tugger Application Install icon should display this Installation Window.
  4. Task Manager > Services tab; will display Tugger, once installed.

Click on the CASH -Tugger executable file (1 in the image above, to the left of the image).

When the  'Welcome to Wizard Setup' displays, click next (3 in the Image above and highlighted).

Install to the default path and click Next (image below).

The following screen requires information on where the CASH database is located, and the CASH  Server Type - invariably: Remote.

The Tugger Access ID and the Tugger Access (key), which are available from the Authentication Details page in Tugger - displayed earlier.

Once you're happy with the details, click on Next.

  1. Examples of links - including the CashForWindows.ADD file, and the link I used for the installation. It should be noted, that there may be case of trial and error with the path to the database; uninstalling and then re-installing with the new link to the CASH database, should not cause any issues. (For info: details of an error are at the end of this section: Part One.)
  2. Authentication details: Tugger Access ID and Tugger Access Key.
  3. I used Local, but you will need to use Remote from the Dropdown as per the image below.
  4. Full path to your CASH database; you will need to include the CashForWindows.ADD file in your path, again as per the image below; it is also worth checking that the file exists in the folder you are adding. If it is missing, it could be that the folder selected is not the correct one.
  5. Tugger Access ID & Key.
  6. When ready, click Next.

Note: Problems with the install can be the result of an incorrect path being used, which should normally include the CashForWindows.ADD file. If you need to find the full, correct path see this: CASH Users: How to find your Network Path for the Data Folder:

... And then Install, as per image below.

Let it install, then click Finish (image below).

As the Tugger App is a Service, there isn't the normal icon available in the start menu or perhaps desktop. You will need to navigate to services (image below):

  • bring up task manager (Windows key + X, and select Task Manager) then select the Services Tab.)
  • from a Run command: (Windows key + R), type Services.msc - for older servers OR perhaps even from the command line where Windows key + R does not display the run option.
    • This is unlikely though, as Windows Server 2012 R2 is the server variant of Windows 8.1, which does have that option; we tested the installation as far back as the 2012 R2 version.

In the list of services, scroll down to locate Tugger CASH.

You can right click on the Service, and either Start, Stop or Restart; potentially useful after a Server Restart (see image below).

It should be obvious that even before you click Finish (image below) the Tugger CASH Service is available to access from within Services.

It should be noted that your server administrators may need to add the Tugger Service to their processes for shutdown and restart.

If the Tugger Service is NOT running then your data will not update.

The logs created by Tugger can be examined to see if there were any issues with the process starting.

For example, there should be a line of text, which displays: Tug Starting.

... And when finished: Tug Complete image below).

Note: the line above Tug Starting, ending with: 'About to request access token'; if the authorisation fails, following this will be an error, indicating what went wrong. (An example of dealing with an error is shown before part two.)

Once the Tugger Service is processing data, the Tugger page will update and display: Tugging, as the image below details.

Ideally, it is recommended that the logs are checked to confirm that there are no errors, an example was detailed previously, and what the page updates the display, namely: 'Tugging'.

Once the Tug has completed, details will be provided as displayed in the image below. The data can now be imported into the reports.

Note: It is possible that the reports will load successfully before the First Tug has completed, but either the reports may load with errors or blank charts may be displayed -  or the reports may give erroneous information. Therefore, we recommend waiting until the first Tug has completed.

An Example of How to Deal with an Error

In the example below, an error is shown, which also states that the file path was not found; in this instance, uninstalling and then re-installing with the correct path would be the solution.

Even if your error is not the one detailed below, uninstalling and reinstalling, making sure you have the correct path, which will include the CashForWindows.ADD file, and from the dropdown, remote is selected.

To continue with importing a report template into Power BI Desktop, please read on.

Part Two: Import your CASH data into Power BI Desktop

Pre-requisites for this part of the process are:

   - Tugger: A ‘Tug’ created, and your data transferred; it should have completed at least once (image of a completed Tug was shown above). 

   - Power BI .pbit template(s): download from Tugger (see image below).

   - Signed in to your Microsoft Account within Power BI Desktop, which is required to publish to their Service, which can be added to an Office 365 Account.

The Report Credentials shown below, contain all you need to import your data from your Tugger Connector into Power BI Desktop (or Tableau,  Excel and others).

If you need to download the report templates for your connector, these are available via Report Setup (image below, 1; then select 2, Power BI).

If you wish to see the step by step guide for the Power BI process, follow the link here: 

Otherwise: Import of template and data


On opening Power BI desktop for the first time, the following splash screen is displayed; subsequent opening, may have additional information presented, related to saved reports.

(You will notice that the top right of the image below states I am signed in, which is required to publish.)

… Close the Splash Screen (If this is the first time using Power BI Desktop, it will be very similar to the image above; once you have saved reports, they will show there).


Navigate to File > Import > Select: Power BI Template

Locate the report templates (.pbit extension) previously downloaded.

… Select one, and open (You'll notice it has the extension .pbit).

Note: the reports you are loading may be named differently.

(Alternatively, skip opening Power BI Desktop, and double-click on the template to open it.)

Tugger’s Report Credentials Page (displayed previously but shown again for clarity)

1. The OData URL.

2. The Username.

3. The Password.

4. The Report templates are available here, option Power BI (displayed previously).

A pop-up dialogue appears (below is the first screen available, if you double-clicked the report template to open it): 

… After a few moments, an OData feed dialogue appears (1 in the image).

2 and 3 are optional and allow you to include your own logo in the reports (See: Include Your Company Logo in Your Reports).

Copy the OData link from the Report Credential's page of Tugger, shown previously, and paste into the box indicated (1 in image above).

... Then click Load.

After a few moments a Refresh Dialogue will appear.

Presuming this is your first time loading a report template, you will then be asked to enter authentication details. (The OData feed dialogue pops up over the Refresh dialogue; it is moved below, to display both dialogues.)

(Once you have entered the Basic authentication details, you will not be asked again unless they are cleared from Power BI desktop - or refreshed in Tugger.)

  1. Select Basic as indicated in the image above.
  2. Enter, the Authentication Details from Tugger’s Report Credentials page (shown previously) into the Username and Password fields.
  3. Change ‘Select level’ to match the details at the top of the dialogue: https etc, under OData feed. (After connecting multiply reports, you may find additional options in the dropdown, so be sure to select the correct one.)
  4. Click Connect when ready.

After a few seconds the Refresh dialogue will re-appear as the OData feed dialogue disappears - and updates to the content will become apparent; this is to be expected, and once complete the dialogue will disappear and the report should open (see below).

Note: If an error occurs (within the Refresh dialogue) after clicking Connect, see, Report Refresh Error.


There will be several tabs available...

… Highlighted at the bottom of the image is the open tab, and the tab-navigation buttons (forward and backward) for when there are tabs off-screen.


You may wish to just save the report at this stage, for example if you’re stopping now with a view to continuing later. It forms part of the Publishing Process, which follows this section, if you are continuing straight away, just give it a name that makes sense to you.

If you don't save now, you will be asked to when Publishing to Microsoft's Online Service.



File > Save As

… Save to a directory of your choice.


Part Three: Publish your CASH Data to Power BI Service (online)

Pre-requisites for this part of the process are:

   - Power BI Service: setup (ideally, Workspaces and Access (permissions) added for Users as appropriate). 

   - Power BI Desktop report imported.

Please see the Power BI Online Workspaces and Users article for basic information relating to adding Workspaces and Users, including assigning the level of access users need.


We do recommend setting up Workspaces beforehand as although the report can be saved to a new Work Space later, it doesn’t copy all the components (no dataset - compare 1 and 2 below) when published, only the report. Not only this, but reports added to the default Workspaces level cannot be shared via assigning Access.


This may not be an issue, but those assigned to a Workspace without a Dataset cannot refresh it, and will have to rely on the automated refresh, unless they can get it manually refreshed by another user.

To publish:

Select Publish, 1 in the above image.


If you haven’t already saved, then 2 will appear (and can even after saving).

Click Save.


… Save (3) to a directory of your choice.

If you have already saved, after clicking ‘Publish’, the Publish to Power BI dialogue should appear, otherwise it appears after saving.



The steps are:

  1. Publishing and Saving (detailed previously).
  2. Search for Workspace (optional).
  3. Select My Workspace if you haven't created your own (not recommended).
  4. Or, select the Workspace created.
  5. Then click on Select (highlighted).

Note: If the only Workspace is called My Workspace (which is the default and always available) you may wish to Cancel instead of clicking Select. You could then create a Workspace - perhaps configuring access for Users at the same time (Available here: Power BI Online Workspaces and Users.). After creating a Workspace: Publish again to the newly created Workspace. 


Once the report has been published, the following should be displayed.




Navigate to Power BI online to find your report or click on the link available in the dialogue show in the image above.  

Part Four: Navigating to Published Document in Power BI Online

After logging into Power BI Online, to navigate to your previously published report: see image below.


In the example here: Workspaces > Cash Test, as the image displays; the optional search feature is also indicated.


The next image offers a brief explanation of what is offered:

  1. This is the report (previously viewed in Power BI desktop before publishing); there is an opportunity to share this report, by hovering and selecting as appropriate.
  2. The main use – at least initially – is setting up how often your data from our secure data warehouse is refreshed. Click on the refresh icon, where you may need to enter Login details, authorising Power BI to access said data. The mini-tutorial for this can be viewed in Setting up Automatic Refresh in Power BI Online.
  3. The Share option.
  4. Perform a manual Refresh. (In our case here, grabbing updates from Tugger.)
  5. Set up Schedule Refreshes, although other options are available.
  6. The vertical Ellipse offers other options, including Delete, tailored to the either the Dataset or Report.




Note: this report contains only limited dummy data.


After selecting the report, or if following the link from Power BI desktop, the report (example shown below) is displayed. 


The view for the reports are presented in a different manner to what Power BI desktop displayed; instead of the multiple tabs, there are the Pages for the reports; the selected page is indicated.

It should be noted that some pages shown in Power BI Desktop are not automatically visible in the Service; viewing them is done via various methods, but often a Drill-through. 

A quick example.

  1. Hover over the required item, which displays further info. via a popup. (Jane Smithe in 'Number of Deals by Sales Person' in our example.)
  2. Right click on it.
  3. Select the required page from the Drill through sub-menu; there should be at least one available, although on occasions there is no drill through available but this is unusual.

Note: 'Blank' is the default in Power BI that indicates no entries, or no value set for that particular field, although there are none present on the displayed page; you may wish to investigate why a particular field is not set.

You will be presented with an additional page, filtered depending on what was selected and where you drilled through from. Pages available in this manner are known as Hidden Pages, although they are visible (and need to be) in Power BI Desktop.

There can be further options, including Drilling throughs, but you won't know unless you look; this is more likely to be the case when the page drilled through to is not a table view as fewer of those need to provide additional information.

To return to the previous page, select the blue arrow in the circle on the top right of the page (indicated) or select one of the pages, also indicated.

This concludes the CASH Installation guide.

This concludes the CASH Installation guide.