We offer two solutions, detailed below.

If you’re seeing similar screens to below, when refreshing data in Power BI Desktop.

Please be aware, this could either be on the initial import of your data into Power BI Desktop, or after performing a manual refresh to update, or perhaps even after making changes to one of your reports.



Note: Table names were replaced with 'Table Name with error' as this can apply to any table from any report.

1. The specific table with the error; it is possible for there to be multiple tables causting an error. A cyclic reference can often be resolved by using the options in Method One. On rare occasions, Method two should resolve the issue.

Note: errors other than cyclic reference (which is the most common in our experience) can also be resolved using the methods contained in this document.

(If both methods fail, try closing down Power BI Desktop and re-importing.)


Note: Although the Cyclic Error shown above is very common, in comparison to others, some of the alternatives (an example is shown below) look much more worrying; there are a number of errors, however, that can be dealt with in the same manner as described here. It is certainly worth the attempt if you are unsure.

2. Close the dialogue.

After the Refresh dialogue closes, the report will fail to update and display the following. (It should be noted that this is not a Tugger data issue, but a Power BI Desktop issue.)

Method One

For Info: Repeated Refresh and Apply Changes can often work, however when this occurs, it is likely to be better to use Method Two.

1. Click on Refresh now (1 in image above).

2. Then click on Apply Changes (2 in image above).

It is possible that the error will occur again; the same steps could be attempted, which may resolve the issue and the report will then load as expected.

If it doesn't then try the following method.

Method Two


Try the following steps…

Home Tab > Transform data (image below) > Transform data.


In the new Window that opens, which is the Power Query Editor:


Refresh Preview > Refresh All (image below).

You should also note a highlighted table, showing an error.




The window will refresh, and the error for the highlighted table should disappear; as shown below, the table that had the error no longer has the warning symbol by it. 

(It should be noted that on occasions the error can still show, however, it is still worth following the procedure.)

Important: do NOT use the cross (x) to close the Power BI Query Editor Window, but follow the process below. Closing the window with the cross will not save the changes and the error will remain.

Once the refresh has completed, Close & Apply (image below). There may be  a need to click the dropdown for the Close & Apply to be available. Other options available are: Close or Apply.

Even if the highlighted error was still visible after the Refresh > Refresh all, preformed previously, it should no longer be there.



Looking like the previously displayed Refresh popup, the Load window should display; once completed you should see you report loaded correctly, and without errors.

If for some reason, the above Load window doesn't appear, then click Refresh - after which, your report should load as expected. You could instead perform the steps in Method Two again.




Note: If the Load window didn't appear as considered above and refresh didn't resolve your issue, perform the steps in Method Two again.

In the unlikely event that your are still having issues, please contact: Support.

This concludes the document on Refresh Errors.