Although .Net 4.8.1 can be added to certain versions of Windows 10 (but not Server 2019, which is the equivalent), it is dependent on the what updates have been completed. We don't, however, recommend installing the app on a desktop version as it should ideally be placed on the Server where Cash resides.

At the time of the document's creation; Only Windows Server 2022 was compatible with .Net 4.8.1.

Microsoft .Net 4.8
may already be installed, however, a server restart 

may be required if it isn't already installed; a server restart can delay the installation process as restarting during the day is likely to be inconvenient, if not impossible; your particular circumstances will dictate the required actions around this.

Microsoft .Net 4.8.1 supersedes .Net 4.8 on later versions of Windows Server: 2022; it can either be installed manually or (depending on version) perhaps already installed.


Please contact support if you are unsure what your should install: [email protected].

Note: We recommend installing this in advance of the Tugger App as a Service.

... Or the 4.8.1 alternative.


Note: Your IT Department or provider can best advise on the version you need; however, on versions of Windows Server prior to the equivalent of Windows 10, at the time of reviewing this document, .Net 4.8.1 was not available for them.

An offline version of the 4.8 .Net installation is available, which may be more convenient. Available here.

An offline version of the 4.8.1 .Net installation is available, which may be more convenient. Available here.

if you wish to check for a particular version of .Net, the following image shows examples, using PowerShell.

Text:  (Get-ItemPropertyValue -LiteralPath 'HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full' -Name Release) -ge 

Add either 533320 (for 4.8.1 or later) or 528040 (for 4.8) to the command in the above Text, after the -ge; leave a space after -ge.

The example image above shows me using the command on my own system, where 4.8 was found (True) and 4.8.1 was not (False).

Once the required versions is either installed or confirmed to be installed, you can return to the Cash Tugger installation document: Step by Step Guide to Setting up the Mentor CASH System with Tugger and Power BI.