Import One - for when you have previously imported a template and saved the file as a Power BI Desktop document, PBIX. Perform this action first.
Import Two - If you are using a Template 'PBIT file' and importing your data into Power BI Desktop, then start here. You will continue here when performing the actions in Import One.
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Import One: If you have already imported a report template and wish to add the logo now. (Otherwise proceed to 'When Importing your report for the first time...')
Open your report as normal, this will be from a 'PBIX' file. Once open, navigate to Home Tab > Transform Data > Edit Parameters.
Image above:
1. Home Tab.
2. Transform Data (click the down arrow).
3. Select Edit Parameters.
Proceed with the following; note that the 'TuggerURL' in the image below will contain your Tugger OData URL you have previously entered.
Import Two: When Importing your report for the first time, the process is as follows:
The process for importing your data into Power BI desktop remains the same. As in, if no logo is required, performing the previous actions, as in just importing your data into the template, will give the same results. However, if you would like to include your company logo, additional steps are required.
… You are likely to have previously, the TuggerURL field would be filled in, followed by clicking on the Load button (image below). If you haven't, please do so.
Now, if you want your company logo to appear, copy it from your website and paste into the appropriate field.
The easiest way to include your company logo, is to navigate to your website, identify the logo you wish to use such as the Tugger logo below.
Once identified then right click on it (image below)
… and select copy image link.
It is possible that there won’t be a copy image link, only copy link (see below).
When this occurs, it is necessary to either locate the URL for the image on the page, or perhaps for assistance from IT as to where it is kept.
Note: 'No Logo'. It is also possible that the logo is constructed using CSS code, or partial code and an image(s); this means that there is no image logo to import; whoever deals with your graphics design, will need to create your logo, which once done will need publishing in some way to make it available as a URL.
Once it has been located (or made available), paste into the appropriate Logo field.
A square logo will be more appropriately pasted into the Logo URL 60x60, whereas a longer/rectangular logo would better fit the Logo URL 200x45.
It might be better to try both, to see which looks better.
After pasting the link in (only paste into one field), which will be in a format that is similar to the following:[email protected]
… Click Load.
Any transparency, as shown below, may affect the outcome.
If you wish to try locating your logo, see the following:
On most browsers, holding down the Shift Key, and Control Keys, followed by hitting the 'i' key, should open up a side panel (also known as the developer panel) which is displayed in the image below.
Click on the option shown; it actually changes colour, depending on what is there it can be very difficult to tell, but in the example theme here (default chrome), it turns blue.
When moving the mouse over the webpage, you will notice various items are highlighted (see below).
Once your company logo is highlighted, click on it. As previously stated, it is possible that CSS code (with or without image parts) may be used to construct your logo.
The results is shown in the image below.
In the lower highlighted area, you should notice what appears to be a link
Hovering over the link displays information on what it is, including the source of the link.
In the original example above, the Copy Link Address option was available and indeed, it is shown in the image below.
After copying and pasting it into the appropriate URL field when importing a template into Power BI Desktop, your company logo should now load.
Previously, we mentioned that transparency will affect what you see; in the image above, the Tugger logo has transparency set; in addition, the colours are not suitable for the header bar in the report. Although, if the background was not transparent, but white, it should work.