- Cash Connector Setup, within your Tugger account.
- Cash Tugger App installed and linked to your Tugger Connector.
Confirm Tugger is installed on this PC / Server.
If you wish to confirm that not only cash is installed, but that it is installed on the PC / Server you are on, the simplest way to do this is via the Services; this will also tell you if it is running too.
Services can be accessed via a Run command: services.msc.
On the more recent versions of windows, Services forms part of the Task Manager options.
Open up task manage: Windows Key & X, then select Task Manager; see the image below. (Or use your preferred method of accessing the Task Manager.)
You should see the following.
Processes is normally the displayed tab when first opening the Task Manager; navigate to Services (1), then scroll down, looking for Tugger Cash (2).
If you don't see it, just confirm that you are sorting by name, indicated above; as the image above shows, Tugger Cash is installed and is currently running.
For info: right clicking on the Tugger Cash option will bring up a selection of options, including those for Stopping and Restarting - if like here - where it is already running.
Once you have confirmed that the Cash Tugger App is installed on this PC / Server, navigate to the folder where the cashtugger.db is located. This is: C:\Windows\SysWOW64, as the image below displays.
(If you have not located it in services, you can check the path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tugger Ltd\Cash Tugger"; if the folder exists, which is unlikely, it may be worth contacting us for assistance as you may have a partial or corrupted install.)
Scroll down (or do a search) until you see the file, 'cashtugger'; if you have 'view extensions' enabled it will be 'cashtugger.db'.
As the image below indicates, the Type will also be Data Base File.
Again, if you're not able to locate it when scrolling down, ensure that items in the folder are arrange by Name, like you may have done with the Task Bar Services previously.
Note: if the database file is missing then the Cash Tugger app will not work correctly; it may be worth contacting us for assistance at this stage, alternatively, your IT may also be able to assist.
Download & Install SQ Lite DB Browser.
SQ Lite database files are not natively viewable from within Windows. You will need to download a tool to view them.
SQ Lite Browser is one such tool.
As ever when downloading .exe (or .msi in this case) files from the internet, care should be taken to ensure it is safe to use. If you are unsure on how to do this, please contact your IT department or provider.
It is available from:
Download the version and type you prefer 32/64 bit, Zip or Standard Installer; I chose the one indicated in the image below.
Once downloaded, and your method of checking has confirmed that it is virus free, install just like any other App.
The image below displays the app during installation; it details two of the separate screens you get during the process; all settings can be left at the default for our purposes here, except for the indicated in point two.
1. Next until the view as shown in (2) appears.
2. You may wish to check either or both of the 2 DB Browser options, although you can add the others, they are not needed for our check. Checking them makes it simpler to open the app if needed.
3. Although not displayed in the image above, continue through the views, clicking the 'Install' when it appears, to actually install the app: followed by, Finish.
Once this is done, and presuming you selected the options to display an icon on the Desktop, you should see something similar to the image below, likely with many more icons visible. (If it is not visible, you can reinstall, selecting the option to have an icon on the Desktop.)
Open the app as you would normally, by double-clicking its icon.
Open SQ Lite & view the Path where your Tugger Connector Tugs Data from
If you open the DB Browser, you should see a similar screen to what the following image displays.
To load the 'cashtugger.db' database file, simply drag it over from the folder it is contained in, to the app.
Note: Take care not to move it elsewhere by accident. You may also wish to do what I did, which is to turn off the side panel, as the image below displays. (Available under View > Navigation Pane > Navigation Pane option in the Dropdown; don't forget to turn it back on afterwards.)
Once you have dragged over the file into DB Browser, you should see something similar to the following.
To view which database the Tugger app is connector to, select the Browse Data tab (image below).
Expand the column indicated, to view the full path to the database that Tugger Tugs data from.
You can NOT amend the path here, and shouldn't even if you could.
If you discover that you are connected to the wrong database, I advise setting up a new connector. If you prefer, you can re-install the Cash Tugger app, then Re-Tug all data from within the Connector on your Tugger account. The Re-Tug option will be slower as all the previous files are deleted first.
The setup document for Cash, which details setting up the connector; downloading and installing the App; and installing the reports, can be found here.
If you wish to contact us for assistance, we can be contacted on: [email protected].
This concludes the guide, How to Locate & View the Local SQ Lite Database.