- Have previously published one of your reports to Microsoft's Service (online).
The following 'How-To' works for any Tugger Connector type, be it: CASH, Harvest, HubSpot, Simpro®, Teams or other.
You do not need to use Power BI Desktop for this
You will, however, need your Authentication Details from your Tugger connector; the specific page is detailed below and is accessed from within your Tugger connector, available from My Connectors.
Examples are displayed below, but if your type is not shown, it will (like all of them) have 'View Details'.
Navigate via: My Connectors > Select your connector, which displays 'View Details' > Report Credentials.
... And Report Credentials provides all the information you need.
(If your connector is not a Harvest, don't worry as the only difference other than the name of Connector, is that the OData URL contains harvest in the link; Simpro would contain 'simpro', and CASH cash, etc.)
To change the details in Power BI Service (online), log in to your Power BI Online account, likely part of Office 365.
1. Select Workspaces.
2. Select the Workspace you want to alter, in the example here, it is 'Any Workspace Name'.
You will be presented with the image below.
Select Schedule Refresh.
The following screen has various features; you may very well have already accessed this to set up Schedule Refresh and to add the Data Source Credentials, available here if required.
1. The Data Source Credentials option may not be expanded, if not then do so.
2. Click on the Edit Credentials link option.
3. The display for 'Some credentials aren't validated...' doesn't stop the details previously entered from working; it is discussed later.
After clicking on the Edit Credentials, you will be presented with the following screen.
The OData URL below (1 in the image) can be compared with the one you are updating, shown in the image above, if required. If they are different, you should not continue; locate the correct dataset in the appropriate Workspace.
1. This should be set to Basic and not changed.
2. Update the User name from the Report Credentials page of Tugger (2 in the image below).
3. Enter the new Password here, again highlighted in the image below (3).
4. Sets the privacy level of your reports and data; this is like to be Organisation, and should not as-a-rule be changed. For example, one option is Public, which is not recommended.
5. Click on Sign In when ready.
'Skip Text Connection': if this is checked, and the previously discussed, 'Some credentials aren't validated...' displays, you may chose not to skip and perform the test. It won't stop Manual or Scheduled Refreshes working.
If you do perform the test, the yellow text (indicated with an arrow) will disappear once tested.
After signing in, navigate back to your Workspace, again indicated with an arrow (image above).
The Report Credentials page shown again for convenience (below).
After navigating back to the Workspace (Any Workspace Name in our case), you will see the same screen as shown previously.
You can now check that everything is working, although if you performed the optional Test Connection you can be confident everything now works, but double-checking is simple enough.
1. This will perform a Manual Refresh; if there is something wrong, it will fail, and likely within a few seconds.
2. The little update 'wheel' indicates the Refresh is running, although sometimes it is necessary to refresh the page for it to display.
3. If you have Scheduled Refreshes setup, then the next refresh date and time are displayed. If you wish to setup Scheduled Refreshes, instructions are available here.
4. When clicking Manual Refresh, sometime the 'Preparing for fresh' as shown is displayed. If it doesn't start after a minute or two, refreshing the page or trying again usually resolves this.
You can edit the Authentication Details in Power BI Desktop here.