Column | Type | Notes |
amount | DECIMAL | |
archived | BINARY | |
closedate | DATETIME | |
company_id | WHOLE NUMBER | Foreign Key from HubSpotCompanies table |
createdAt | DATETIME | |
dealname | TEXT | |
dealstage | TEXT | Foreign Key from HubSpotDealPipelineStages table |
dealtype | TEXT | |
hs_priority | TEXT | |
hubspot_owner_id | WHOLE NUMBER | Foreign Key from HubSpotOwners table |
hubspot_team_id | WHOLE NUMBER | Foreign Key from HubSpotTeams table |
id | WHOLE NUMBER | unique identifier |
pipeline | TEXT | Foreign Key from HubSpotOwners table |
updatedAt | DATETIME | |
LastTugDate | WHOLE NUMBER | The date the information was last pulled from HubSpot to Tugger in the format YYYYMMDD |
Deleted | BINARY | Flag to indicate if the row has been deleted from HubSpot |
Table - HubSpotDeals Print
Modified on: Fri, 17 Jun, 2022 at 3:24 PM
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