Tugger makes available the following tables from the Mentor CASH application for the production of Power BI reports..


  • In order to maintain effeciciancy, not all columns from the tables are extracted and made available. Click on the table links to see the available columns.
  • Date values from tugger are sent to Power BI without any daylight saving adjustments being made, i.e. 05/05/2022 00:00:00 (which is during British Summer Time) would appear within PowerBI as 04/05/2022 23:00:00 (i.e. Greenwich Mean Time). This can be corrected in Power Query by following the steps in the Cash - Daylight Saving correction. Reports supplied by Tugger already make this adjustments for you.
  • In order to support the 'Incremental Refresh' feature of Power BI, rows within the Tugger database are never 'updated', instead, whenever a row is updated a new version of the row is inserted into the database and the old version of the row is marked as deleted using the 'Deleted' column.  As the Incremental Refresh feature is only relavant to those users who have tables with very many millions of rows, the 'deleted' rows need to be filtered out in Power Query for all normal users. Reports supplied by Tugger already implement this filter.

The tables are grouped into the following sections:

CASH configuration tables which can be managed directly from the CASH application from the   'Company Codes'  submenu under the 'System Admin' main menu option 'Stock Movements' submenu under the 'Stock Control' main menu option 

CFAreasLookup of general areas - e.g. where a customer is located
CFBranchesLookup of branches
CFCallReasonsLookup of reasons for the call
CFCallTypesLookup of the types of call
CFContactTypesLookup of contac types
CFEngineeringAreasLookup of an engineers working area, i.e. his 'patch'
CFEngineersLookup of engineers
CFPremisesTypesLookup of types of premises
CFProjectManagersLookup of project mnagers
CFSalesEnquiryWonOrLostReasonsLookup of reasons why an enquiry was won or lost
CFSalesmenLookup of salesmen
CFSourceOfLeadsLookup of source of sales leads
CFSystemTypesLookup up system types
DirectCostsList of direct costs that can be used in pricing a job
LocationsLookup table for decoding location in StockAuditTrails table
NominalCodesList of accounting nominal codes


Cash data tables which are updated by CASH application during the course of normal operations logging and updating calls, jobs, stocks etc.

CallActionChargesDetailed charges that have been applied to a specific call.
Child table of CallActions table
CallActionsDetails of actions  that have been taken been taken on a specific call. Child table of Calls table
CallsMain table giving an overview of the calls that have been recieved.
CompanyInformationsInformation about your companies within the CASH application.
CustomersDetails of all customers
InvoiceHeadersMain table giving an overview of invoices
InvoiceLineAnalysisAccounting nominal code that applies to an invoice,
Child table of InvoiceHeaders table.
InvoiceLinesDetails of items that have been in a specifc invoice.
Child table of InvoiceHeaders table.
JobCostingDirectCostAuditsAudit trail of changes made to a jobs direct costs
JobCostingDirectCostsDirect costs for a specifc job.
Child table of JobCostings table.
JobCostingInvoicesInvoices that have been applied to a particulsr job. The details of the invoices can be found in the InvoiceHeaders table.
JobCostingProductsCosts and details of products that are for a specific job.
Child table of JobCostings table.
JobCostingsMain table for jobs.
ProductsMain Products table
PurchaseInvoiceHeadersMain table for purchase invoices
PurchaseOrderHeadersMain table giving an overview of purchase orders
PurchaseOrderLineAnalysisAccounting nominal code that applies to items in a purchase orders,
Child table of PurchaseOrderHeaders table.
SalesEnquiresMain table for sales enquires
SalesEnquiryValuesValues which realte to a sales enquiry eg hours, cost, margins etc.
Chaild table of SalesEnquires table.
SiteChargesRegular charges for each maintatined system at each customers site
SiteSystemsSystems maintained as each customers site
SitesDetails of each customers sites
StockAtLocationsProduct stock levels at locations
StockAuditTrailsAudit trail of stock movements i.e. added, removed or tranferred
Suppliersdetails of suppliers
SystemMaintenanceSchedulesSchedule when systems are next due for maintenance


Addditional Lookup tables created by Tugger

CallStatusText descriptions of call status codes in the Calls table
JobStatusText description of job status codes in the JobCostings table
LUDeliveryStatusLookup for decoding the delivery status in the PurchaseOrderHeaders table
LUOrderStatusLookup for decoding the order status in the PurchaseOrderHeaders table
LUStockAuditTransactionTypesLookup table for decoding transaction type in the StockAuditTrails table
LUSupplierAccountStatusLookup table for decoding account status in the Suppliers table
PostcodeRegionsLookup table for decoding the postcode region into broad geographic regions e.g. 'North West', 'Wales' etc
SalesEnquiryHistoricalDataStores each day a copy of the rows in the SalesEnquires and SalesEnquiryValues table where the Status is neither 'Won' nor 'Lost'. This allows a day by review of how a sales enquiry changed. 

Once the sales enquiry is either 'Won' or 'Lost' then daily copy is stopped at the end of the month in which the enquiry was won or lost.

As these daily copies can create very many rows in the database, it is an optional feature which can be enabled in Tugger website.
SalesEnquiryStatusLookup table for decoding the status in the SalesEnquires table
